Sunday short list

With all the changes happening currently one of my bright spots has been having more time to sew. So how did I do this pay week? 1. Continue working on the Hospital Sketches quilt, hopefully finishing the main blocks.-I didn’t finish the main blocks but I did make progress 2. Finish the top for my Mom’s quilt.-done! 3. Make at least the top for a baby quilt.-done but I don’t want to post a picture and ruin a surprise 4. Organize the next memory quilt.-I have two big ideas competing in my mind, I need to pick just one and then go for it 5. Quilt a gift if there’s time. Not done I also started a new “traffic jam” (Pat Sloan’s free pattern) quilt from scraps. Not too bad, so what’s on next week’s list? 1. Continue working on the Hospital Sketches quilt 2. Get batting and piece the backing for my mom’s quilt 3. Decide how to quilt the baby quilt 4. Finish the traffic jam quilt top 5. Organize my next memory quilt.