Wonderful World of Color

    I love it when a blog hop encourages me to finish a project I've been meaning to get to.  This one actually gave me the push for two!  Joan challenged us to make something colorful, or something related to the world.  In March I went to a quilt retreat with my Babushka's project from Fat Cat Patterns (I'm not sure this is still listed on her site and a goal to make a quilted jacket from a sweatshirt.  Either one would fulfill this challenge and I was able to finish both.  

    I've thought of making a quilted jacket for a long time but the idea of following a garment pattern doesn't appeal to me.  When my friend told me she'd used a sweatshirt for hers I started looking for a button or snap closure sweatshirt at the thrift stores and lucked out just before retreat and found one for $1.  At retreat I seam ripped the arms and sides and created a flat seam to cover with crazy blocks.  I spent the evenings after retreat sewing my crazy blocks together so I'd have as much color in my jacket as I could want.  I am pretty sure it could match any shirt I chose to wear under with so many colors.  I wore it to a quilt show and ladies were coming across the aisle to compliment it.   Now I think I want to do another in neutral tones.  

    I think I started my Babushka's in 2018 and they've been sitting waiting for me to finish the lime green ladies since then.  I thought I'd just sew the top of my wall hanging together at the retreat but there was a piece of butterfly fabric on our scrap table that was perfect for backing so I finished the whole way on the first day of retreat.  I sent a picture to a friend with Russian heritage who collects nesting dolls.  She loved it and I wasn't really sure where I would display it so I sold it to her, knowing it would be cherished.    

Check out all the other bloggers with out of this world projects!                                                
  Monday April 18

Creatin' in the Sticks

Ms P Designs USA

Samelia’s Mum

Kathleen McMusing

That Fabric Feeling


 Tuesday April 19

Just Let Me Quilt


Songbird Designs

Elizabeth Coughlin Designs

Purring Cottage 

Stitchin at Home


Wednesday April 20

Patchouli Moon Studio

Quilting Gail

Quilt Schmilt

Words & Stitches

Quilted Delights

Lynn's Blog

Homespun Hannah's Blog

 Thursday April 21

Just Sew Quilter

Days Filled With Joy

Selina Quilts

Karrin's Crazy World

The Darling Dogwood

 Friday April 22

Kathys Kwilts and More

Pieceful Thoughts

Karen's Korner


Crafts and Math



  1. Great jacket! Love how colourful it is.

  2. Love the jacket, and how colourful it it.

  3. I think you are very clever and tenacious. Congratulations on making the jacket that I would love to make, but am intimidated at the prospect of trying. It looks great on you.
    There have always been some great patterns at Fat Cats. I haven't visited in some time, and must go peek after your reminder. Thanks for participating in this hop and sharing your work with us

  4. Great jacket. My quilt group made jackets using sweatshirts too about 15 years ago. We used a larger size pullover sweatshirt and cut it in half up the front and cut the arms so they were flat too. Then we stitched patches here and there, overlapping some. The entire sweatshirt wasn't covered unless you want to. They were left raw edge and stitched down, so that once they were washed they would look and feel more like a cuddly old quilt. Then we finished the front edges and added buttons or snaps to make it a cardigan. It was fun to see all the different colors the ladies chose. I think I need to make me one again, but use my stained sweatshirts so I can cover up those stains with fabric, lol!

  5. Your jacket is spectacular! I have made a few over the years, it's fun to wear and see what comments you receive about it.

  6. Wonderful projects! Thank you for sharing.

  7. LOVE your jacket. My first quilt coat was also using a sweatshirt as my guide/batting and it made things a lot simpler. Your little dolls runner is so sweet. Awesome job finishing 2 makes!

  8. The jacket is gorgeous and I really like the babushkas too! Both are very colorful! I made a sweatshirt jacket several years ago, but it didn't fit right, so I started another one..."started" being the key word. I really need to finish it one of these days... Thanks for sharing your lovely projects!

  9. Beautiful projects! Your jacket is really nice.

  10. I love your jacket. So cool and I bet it's a fun garment to wear and gets lots of compliments. I love the idea of using a sweatshirt jacket to start with and to find one for 1 dollar is certainly a WIN! Your mini quilt is precious.

  11. Great jacket, I have been thinking about making one. Love the Babuska's. I have a Christmas decoration of a Babuska tea pot and creamer and sugar dish. Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. Quilted jackets are all the rage right now. And I really like the fact that it is on a sweatshirt. What a great idea that makes it much less bulky! Love all your scrappy crumb blocks you made for it. Super project! The babushka dolls are special and I like how you took a photo inside a beautiful outdoor sculpture.

  13. Oh my goodness, what a pretty jacket of color! That was a great idea to use a sweatshirt jacket for the base. Sweet, sweet babushka dolls, too. Thank you for sharing your pretty colors with us, Becky!

  14. Babushkas were in when I was a child - it was a scarf, though. Isn't it lovely to finish a project like you did? The jacket is colorfully outstanding and your idea to use a thrift store sweatshirt was perfect.

  15. Your coat and the Babushkas quilt are both gorgeous. I am wanting to make a coat someday.

  16. Great jacket, and love your Babushkas!

  17. What a nice jacket, and I love the idea of using a sweatshirt as a base. I'm sure you'll get plenty of wear our of it, along with compliments!

  18. Congrats on a colorful (and productive) quilt retreat, Becky!! Thanks for sharing both of these projects for the Hop!

  19. I love a good push to get us to finish something up, especially something that might be a little bit out of our comfort zone. The jacket came together really nicely - it's not surprise it's gotten admired. It seems like it is a fun game of "I spy" too to find fabrics you've used in other projects, and I bet others could do the same too :).

  20. You made a great jacket! And obviously, the beautiful wall hanging found the perfect home! Thank you for sharing your projects!

  21. What a great jacket, Becky! Thanks for sharing with us.

  22. fun jacket, I've always wanted to do one too and I think my daughter would have fun making one too!

  23. What a perfect jacket. Love all the colors. Your Babushka wall hanging is just too cute! Thank you for sharing your projects


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