Tickled Pink

     When Carla, from Creatin' in the sticks announced the theme for this blog hop was to use pink I think something went wrong in my brain and I heard that the theme was to jump from one project with some pink to another, depending what tickled my fancy...that seems to be what I did anyhow!

I was really hoping I'd use the opportunity to finish one of my pink tulip quilts.  I had been inspired by the "All about Strings" blog hop in 2019 and started a lot of tulip blocks; sadly I have yet to finish a top from them.  Maybe that can be my project for the upcoming UFO blog hop!  I did make progress on them until I reached the point where I'd need to cut some strips for the stems. That delay allowed me to become distracted by another project.

    A good friend had passed along feed sacks her grandma collected after her grandma passed away last year.  I've wanted to make a Sunbonnet Sue project for a long time and had just gotten the accuquilt die for both Sunbonnet Sue and the orange peel-Overall Sam was out of stock at the time, but is currently on his way to me.  I got all my blocks appliqued and wasn't sure how I wanted to sash them, so they got set aside...I now have a plan but while I thought it through I allowed myself to get distracted yet again.  

    Last summer I was shopping at a second hand craft store that supports people with mental impairments to support themselves when I found a layer cake of an older line called Prints Charming.  It was a great price combined with a great cause so I couldn't pass it up.  A friend at my next guild meeting showed a quilt she had made from Moda Bakeshop's Simple Stack pattern.  My local quilt shop has had one of these on display for a while and I quickly decided it would be a great use of the layer cake; except being an older line I didn't have a charm pack so I adapted and used a solid fabric.  I completed the top at a retreat in August and ordered the back and hadn't gotten much further.  I finally sat down to quilt it-and convinced myself anything this size or larger is going to be done on a friend's long arm from now on, but for some reason I'd failed to plan for binding and  the fabric I wanted was out of stock at my quilt shop.  It should be in soon, but this one is also just shy of a finish...

    While I was working on one of these projects my sister-in-law made a Christmas quilt from Pat Sloan's free Oh my Stars pattern and got me thinking that I had some charm packs I wanted to use up.  I got this top done very quickly and am planning to start quilting it this week, but again it isn't quite a finish.  I have a friend and coworker who has been in the hospital with Covid complications since Christmas and her family is hoping she'll be able to be moved to a rehab facility soon.  I'm hoping to be able to give her this quilt as a comfort quilt when she's able to receive gifts.

The good news is that in the midst of all my jumping around on this blog hop's projects I made good headway on a mug rug for the Time in a Bottle Blog Hop for next month so it may actually get finished!  I've certainly got some projects to take to my upcoming quilt retreat from this hop.  

Check out the other bloggers joining in on this hop-I'm sure I'll find lots of inspiration for more UFOs!

Monday, February 14th


  1. Hee hee, I love your pink project jumping! Your tulip blocks are pretty, need to make some of them myself! xx

  2. Lots of pretty pink projects happening at your place.

  3. Distraction being my middle name, I not only smiled at your writing, I actually laughed out loud. I've convinced myself that in time all my "in progress" projects will get done, as will yours, but in the meantime Becky, it is all a lot of fun. Thanks a bunch.

  4. Lots of pretties happening in your sewing room! Good luck getting them finished.

  5. We all do this, I think. We have lots of ideas to get us distracted. Thanks for sharing all of yours!

  6. Sometimes the best headway we can make is by jumping around. You have some beautiful projects you have hopped around working on. Thanks for sharing them with us all.

  7. You're making great progress on some beautiful projects!

  8. You are such a traditional quilter hopping from project to project. All of your partials are wonderful and I'm looking forward to a few completions over the course of this years hops.

  9. Great projects, I jump around all the time!

  10. You were certainly tickled with projects!! How wonderful that you shared all of them with us. Thanks.

  11. If not for the blog hop, I'm pretty sure my project would have ended up in the UFO pile. LOL

  12. Great projects. I totally understand the jumping. Though I'm really kind of OCD about finishing one before I begin another, I do have a couple of projects in the hopper right now!

  13. I don't think I can count high enough to add up my phd's !
    love the tulips.

  14. All the jumping around in pinks turned out to be quite fun...love them all!

  15. Love how you interpreted Tickled Pink! SEW fun!!

  16. I'm so easily distracted these days and I totally get it. But, look at all the pretty pinks you have going now! You will be tickled pink to work on them.

  17. I always have multiple projects going and can easily get distracted by 'squirrels' (not pink ones though).

  18. My favorite flower is the tulip! Love your blocks!

  19. LOL I seem to do this a lot too. I love all that you started and they will be awesome when you finish them. I really love the tulip blocks. This is the first time I have seen them done with strings. I really like it. I think I would like to make some of these also.. Thank you for sharing all your projects.

  20. Well, you certainly put the "hop" in a blog hop! ;o) I enjoyed seeing your projects in progress. I do the same thing, from time to time.

  21. Super fun Tickled Pink. Your quilt is going to be so sweet.

  22. Wow, you've certainly been busy and have lots there to keep you going.

  23. Lots of fun pink projects. I think many of us tend to do that, when it comes to quilting. Your tulip blocks are great, but so are all your other projects.

  24. If it makes you feel any better, I usually have a HUGE pile of UFO's that needs to get finished.

  25. I jump from project to project as well, that's why I have so many UFOs, Lol. Your projects are turning out lovely!

  26. You definitely were Tickled Pink to get so much work done on so many pretty projects! Just think how fun it will be when you can claim these as finished! Thank you for sharing all this lovely eye candy. 😉


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