Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange

 I've followed Carol's Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange for several years but this is the first year I've joined because I really don't do a lot of baking.  The farm market near us makes such good cookies and there's so much less mess to clean up! While I don't bake we do have a number of traditions we've made as our little family of two. 

From the first year we were married one family tradition has been that I make a breakfast casserole we had on our mini-honeymoon for Christmas breakfast and I stay in the room  while my husband watched The Christmas Story (he watches it many times but I'm not really a fan so this is one of the only times I watch it with him.). I will also make this casserole for my church's fellowship time occasionally and I'm often asked for the recipe.

Croissants A'La Orange

  • 6  plain croissants (I usually buy pre-made from the grocery store and use the whole package) 
    1 (9 ounce)  jar orange marmalade 
    3 ounces orange juice 
    5 eggs 
    1 cup cream or half-and-half 
    1 teaspoon almond extract
  • Spray a 9x13  baking dish with non-stick pan spray. Arrange croissants in a baking dish Thin marmalade with orange juice and spoon some over the croissants. Beat eggs, cream, extract.  Pour over croissants. Spoon remaining thinned marmalade on top as a glaze. Bake at 350°F for 45 minutes or until firm.

This year I finished a Christmas quilt (it only took 2 years) that we'll use when we watch our Christmas movie marathon. Many of the fabrics were part of a giveaway a couple years ago.

My puppy seems to think this one is just for him!

Since it is a cookie exchange I felt like I should also have a cookie like recipe so I dug out my mother-in-law's rum ball recipe. We haven't had them since my niece was born because they are adult only cookies but they are tasty.

1 Box Vanilla Wafers (crushed fine)
2 Cups powdered sugar
3 Cups nuts (your choice - chopped)
4 Tablespoons of cocoa powder
4 Tablespoons of light corn syrup
1/2 cup Bacardi Rum 

Combine crumbs, powdered sugar, nuts, cocoa.
Then mix the corn syrup and rum well, then add the dry ingredients - mix well.
Shape into balls and roll in granulated sugar or nuts.
If the mixture is dry add a little more corn syrup.
Store in air tight containers.  They store well in a cool dry place or refrigerator.

Check out the other bloggers participating.  I’ve seen so many recipes I’d like to try!


  1. I am also not a fan of The Christmas Story movie. Thanks for the croissant recipe and the rum ball recipe. There are no little ones in my family right now, so I think I will try these this year. Love the quilt.

  2. The croissant recipes sounds good! Lovely quilt!

  3. Thanks for the recipes. The croissant one looks particularly good to me! The quilt is very nice. The movie our family likes to watch every year is National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, but my new favorite is Christmas Chronicles (who doesn't like Kurt Russell as Santa?!). LOL

  4. I like your style when it comes to cooking. Give me a package of the main ingredient! LOL!! That croissant looks insanely delicious! And those rum balls, they are always on my list of things to make. Yummy!

  5. I never really liked the Christmas Story, but it did have some funny spots like the lamp. Your quilt is beautiful and perfect for watching any Christmas movie. As for that decadent croissant recipe...oh my gosh, it looks delicious! Thank you for sharing the yummy recipe for it and the rum balls, Becky!

  6. That movie is one of our favorites, too. I might have to try that Rum Ball recipe; I think my husband would like them!

  7. Your breakfast tradition looks yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  8. The Christmas croissant recipe looks delicious, thanks so much for sharing!

  9. Your Croissants A'la Orange looks fantastic!! The rum balls sound really yummy, I'll give those a try. Love the Christmas quilt - how heartwarming it is to have one be so loved. Thank you for sharing your traditions.

  10. I’m so glad you joined in the hop this year Becky. Thanks for sharing 2 tempting recipes. Your Christmas quilt is so pretty. ⛄️

  11. Hi Becky! I love dogs! And your pup definitely looks like the quilt belongs to him. Your DH is a nice model for it as well! I think we are doing a breakfast thing for Christmas this year instead of our usual Christmas Eve gathering. I will keep your recipe in mind, for sure. It sounds yummy as do the rum balls. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. Oh I like the sound of your breakfast casserole, I will definitely have to try it out! Love your quilt and your dog :) xx

  13. Oh, thanks so much for sharing your breakfast casserole recipe! This sounds great!! And your Christmas quilt is lovely! Nothing is better than snuggling under a quilt made with love!

  14. I don't think it absolutely has to be a cookie recipe, your croissant casserole looks delicious, and it is definitely something different. Thank you for adding the cookie recipe too, I am up for anything that contains half a cup of rum LOL

  15. I am not a fan of the movie either, but it was one of my husband's favorites. Your croissants look yummy, I used to make glazed croissants with almonds at the bakery all the time. Unfortunately we no longer bake our own croissants so I can't do it any more. My ex MIL used to make rum balls, that were so rummy you swore you could breath fire. Great Christmas quilt.

  16. Your breakfast looks so yummy and I love that tradition! Congrats on finishing that Christmas quilt and thank you so much for an "adult" cookie. I have to try those for sure!

  17. Your quilt looks super, and was worth 2 years in the making. Thanks for the cookie recipe also.

  18. your Puppy stole this show!!! Of course the Quilt is for him haha!


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