It's a Guy Thing

 When Carol announced this hop was about using masculine fabrics or making a project for one of the guys in your life I hoped it would be the inspiration I needed to finish the next quilt from my Grandfather's shirts.  However, in the back of mind I knew I had a back up plan of two projects I'd finished and hadn't blogged about yet and sometimes when there's a clear back up plan it is so easy to let other things come between you and your goal.  Alas, my cousin's quilt is still just a top, but that is probably still further than I'd have gotten without this hop.  

When my grandfather passed away in 2018 I gathered his shirts and set out to make a quilt for each of his children and grandchildren.  I finished the one for my mom, the youngest of his children, when everything was shut down and gave it to her rather than making her wait for me to be able to take pictures and blog about it.  For her quilt I chose Bonnie Hunter's Virginia Bound pattern because when I was young we lived in Virginia and one Christmas my Pop decided he wanted to deliver our gifts in person, so he and my aunt (on my Dad's side) left early Christmas morning and were Virginia Bound to deliver our gifts mid-afternoon.  I still have my Rainbow Bright doll from that Christmas, maybe I should have had her in some of the pictures. This month my quilting group finally had an in-person meeting so I borrowed her quilt for show and tell and then took it for some pictures.  

I've been trying to take the pictures of each quilt with something that tells about the type of man my Pop was.  This time I took the pictures at the altar where I got married.  Pop had a deep faith and encouraged all of his family to follow suit.  

I also have to admit to questioning if I should have a project with new fabrics for the hop, so I am including this baby quilt made for a coworker’s little farm boy.  She took some pictures for me of the quilt around their farm before her son’s birth 

Please visit the other bloggers sharing their masculine projects this week. 

Check out the Pinterest page for "It's A Guy Thing" HERE.

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Your cousins quilt is looking fantastic. I love those pops of blue. And that quilt you made for your mum is absolutely beautiful. Your pop sounds like he was a great man.

  2. These are beautiful! Theo loves his quilt. Also, the alter that you got married at is breathtaking!

  3. Your quilts are so lovely and a nice story to give them meaning

  4. Your quilts are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them and your family's story.

  5. Shirt quilts make the best memories and Bonnie Hunter makes the best shirt quilt designs!

  6. That shirt quilt is stunning! I like the other one as well. And the picture setting where you married is so special. What a lovely spot for a wedding! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Holy cow... no pun intended, but that quilt from your pops shirts is absolutely amazing. You did him proud not only with the gorgeous quilt, but with the photos at the alter. What a fun farm baby quilt. Some little guy is going to love it!

  8. What a beautiful setting for that quilt and such a memorable place to take it. The shirt quilt is so incredibly gorgeous and the little farm boy quilt is adorable! Thank you for sharing!

  9. Oh ya! Bow tie is so "guy-ish" from the fabric to the title!

  10. Wow what great quilts and the shirts are wonderful to use as a memory.

  11. What a wonderful way to preserve memories of your grandfather. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Thanks for sharing those two lovely quilts for the Hop!

  13. wow your quilts are wonderful. such a great idea to use his shirts as mementos.

  14. A lovely tribute to your grandfather.

  15. Beautiful quilts and your pictures are perfect. Quilting is so much more than just sewing. The love you put into these shows.

  16. The quilts are beautiful! Thanks for sharing your story.

  17. All wonderful quilts. Wow, you really accomplished a lot of projects.

  18. Your mom's quilt is seems to sparkle, it's just beautiful. And I love the horse behind the baby quilt, so fun!

  19. What a great way to honor your Dad. Congrats on getting the quilt so much closer to completion.

  20. Perfect way to honor your Dad. You're almost there!

  21. Your quilt in progress is going to be such a wonderful gift and you are so close to a finish. Your finished quilts are also wonderful, the pictures from the altar and the farm are perfect backdrops.

  22. What fun to read about your Pop and family story. How wonderful to get the quilt pics where you were married. Thank you for sharing such beautiful quilty goodness


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