Sunday Short list

I feel like I've turned a corner in my new school routine.  The last packet to be mailed goes out tomorrow so I've got things prepared for the rest of the year, and I'm starting to feel like I'm in a routine.  I realized at one point that I was quilting a Civil War quilt, watching a WWII show and assigning readings about Vietnam.  I decided I shouldn't be so spread out across multiple time frame so I ordered Eleanor Burns' Victory Quilts to make a WWII quilt.  Of course by then I started a show about a different time period.  Once I decided to work on a WWII era quilt then I went on a search for fabric prints that would have been used at the time.  Many quilts then were done in solids which is always an option but I was kind of thinking of mirroring the prints seen in clothing during the war...which led me to Pinterest and other online searches for 1940s fashion.  I'm anxious to see what I ultimately come up with! Along with the book I ordered another fabric that I hope will work for one of the baby quilts I'm planning. We'll see when to package arrives.
 So with this improvement how did I do with my quilt goals for the week? 
1. Make progress on the borders of my Hospital Sketches quilt -Done my quilt is ready to be bound.  I am just waiting to find the right color of thread

2. Finish the charm square blocks in progress.-I finished two more tops from the charm squares
3. Start making real progress on the next memory quilt-I made a little progress but not what I'd call real progress
4. Decide if my block swap quilt is being machine or hand quilted.-Hand quilted and waiting for binding.  Hopefully I'll finish it this week
5. Do more landscaping and organizing around the house.-I did landscaping but not any real organizing 
I ran out of plants!

6. Blog about the baby quilt.-done!

Last week was definitely a good week!  What's on the list this week?
1. Bind my block swap quilt 
2. make real progress on the next memory quilt
3. start either my mystery quilt (which has never been a mystery for me, and the rest of my group has completed) or a baby quilt.
4. baste my other block of the month from last year
5.  start planning for the It's Cool to Be Square Blog hop later in the month and maybe work on my project for Stitching Sunshine next month too.


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