UFO blog hop

Joan gave us a lot of freedom for this blog hop. We could make a quilt with aliens, or we could use quilter speak and address our unfinished objects. I think aliens may help my unfinished projects pile up overnight! I had hoped to finished some of my more long term UFOs, but life gets in the way, which is part of why UFOs develop in the first place. They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. When I look at my sewing area I definitely can admit there is a problem. Next it's usually helpful to evalutate how you've gotten where you are so why do my projects become UFOs? Let's look at a few of them (sadly this is not all of them!) This one became a UFO because I just didn't know how I wanted to quilt it. My plan now is to take it to a friend who teaches longarm quilting and use it as a practice quilt.
This one became a UFO because I didn't have a recipient in mind when I made it. The top sits with the backing and even the batting waiting for the right baby to give it to.
This was a block of the month. I struggle to keep up with those, but it takes me a lot of willpower to print the patterns and complete when I can dedicate myself to completing the whole project. I do have these all printed and had a plan to return to them for a baby born in my church, but the baby came early so I went with a simpler option. I really would like to finish these some day, of course first I'll have to find them!
I made this one in a class. I thought I might like to make it into a larger quilt so I set it aside. Now I think I'll just make this a wall hanging so it sits and waits.
I started making Christmas present for matching throws last December, but then Christmas was over and I lost momentum...I guess the reason for this one is just being out of season.
This was a block exchange, I hadn appliqued my gnomes, then wasn't sure what I wanted for sashing. I set it aside to think about it and never picked it back up.
I finished quilting this, but the binding fabric had to be ordered. If I'm going to bind a quilt in a timely manner I have to at least have the fabric available when I finish the quilting because if I set it aside it will wait a long time.
This is another project I set aside to think about sashings...I really need to plan things through ahead of time.
I have to be in the right mood for hand quilting and my dog needs to not be on my lap. This top was made by my great aunt. I bought it from her estate sale and it sat for 10 years until I found a purple backing I liked for it. I pinned it and started hand quilting but that was 1.5 years ago. It seems you need to actually work on projects for them to make progress. Now that I know why I have so many UFO's will I do something about it? Did writing this make me feel I need to stop being a serial starter? Sadly probably not, but it did make me think of some quilts I'd really like to finish. Check out the other bloggers participating today, hopefully they'll be having better luck with those aliens that show up and help you finish things. Patchouli Moon Studio Quilt Schmilt Lynns Blog https://www.homesewnbyus.com/


  1. So many pretty projects. That star quilt is my favorite.

  2. I'm sorry to say that I think your story is way too familiar with quilters. I really like that star one. I think you should get on that right away! LOL I am slowly learning not to spend too much time on what design to quilt. Finished is much better. I usually spend my time worrying about the quilt design while I am piecing it. That does help some, but when it is time to quilt, I sit there for a minute with a blank mind then I just start quilting. Sometimes I have regrets about half way through but at least it is quilted. It's not going to be entered in any show. They will just be loved by family and friends and none of them sew or quilt!!!

  3. A serial starter! I love it!!! It's a perfect term for me. If I only could go through my quilt life with blinders on, maybe that would help...but there are so many things I find that I "want" to make and so little time in the end. Perfect post that really nails down the UFO issue most of us have. I agree with you about BOM quilts. I have leaned to save the patterns and start it when I have them all, or I seldom get the finished.

  4. I definitely start more than I finish too. There is something exciting about a new project, but if it doesn't stay exciting during the making of it or takes too long or I come to something that I am uncertain of how to proceed, that's when it might become a UFO for a few weeks to several years. I thought putting all of mu UFO's in my sewing space and piling them up where I have to look at them and trip over them on a daily basis might be the encouragement I needed to get some finished, but sadly no. I would finish a couple, then start something else. I finally put them all away again. But I do look through the pile every so often to see if an idea sparks by seeing something. Sometimes I get a few finished, but mostly I don't. Oh well, I think of it as a learning experience. However far I got with the UFO, whether it was to make a few blocks, the entire top or what, I learned something and improved my skills. Maybe I will take apart the tops to use the blocks in something else or donate the entire top to get quilted and donated to charity. I figure something good will become of it all eventually. You have a lot of great starts there and I love those cute gnomes!

  5. Take them one at a time! You'll feel great when you finish something lol.

  6. It is a huge surprise for all of us that "you need to actually work on projects for them to make progress"...LOL! I need a quilt fairy to visit and finish some of mine. I went for the easiest ones for this hop because it was overwhelming me. Pick one that you still love and go for it!

  7. You have a lot of beautiful projects. I agree just pick one you love and finish it!

  8. Don't we all do the same thing you do? Every single project you showed that was stalled has happened to me. You are not alone. :) Grab one and go for the finish!

  9. Hi Becky! Well, you gave us some pretty darn good reasons for your UFOs. Here's to nearly having a finish - just a binding!! Come on - you can get that done in a week, for sure. Or maybe you're still waiting for it to arrive? I start way too many projects, too, without finishing ones that should be finished first. And, not knowing how to quilt something is a huge issue for me. I have to say that the finish I shared today was done with just a simple stipple. But it's done. Maybe you'd like to join in a weekly to-do list (every Tuesday we share lists and updates). {{Hugs}} a bunch! ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. I feel so at home with what you are saying. I am especially good at starting. Finishing has not been my strong point, but i am hoping to start finishing this year. It is on my to do list along with all of the new ideas that constantly spring forth.

  11. So many beautiful starts. I, Debbie , am a serial starter. OK I joined your club. I don't think I have the courage to show all my starts so openly as you did nor admit what interfered in the finishing. Funny, you sound just like me. I hope it makes you feel better. It certainly does help me to know we get into these cycles. Which is so funny for me because my mother was all about doing one project at a time. Can you even imagine? Fortunately after talking with other quilters, she realized I was not the odd one. Oh, and by the way, I have LOTS more starts.

  12. I'm with you on starting and not finishing

  13. Analyzing is scary. I started out making a list and have about a third done. BUT...I keep starting more projects. You have lots of wonderful UFOs - go after them - one by one.

  14. Hi! You've got lots of UFOs ... hopefully, you can get a few of them finished and done! :-) As for the baby quilt without a baby in mind, I will often finish the quilt - and just leave a corner of the binding off ... I can then add the label and finish the binding and it's done super quick! :-)

  15. You do have some lovely UFOs. It will be nice when you finally get them done. I have several (don’t ask how many😳) myself, but mine are almost all in the To Be Quilted bins with backing and binding. My excuse is that I don’t get to visit my longarm for enough time. Thank you for sharing such pretty projects.

  16. So many great projects started. I am in the same boat. I did inventory one day and put them all in an excel sheet to help track my progress. Let's just say it's a very long list!

  17. I can totally relate to what you say - I have many UFOs that just sit for a variety of reasons. You have some lovely projects there - I hope you are able to make some decisions on some of them soon so they can move along a little bit!


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