Hearts On Fire

One of the hardest parts of adulthood, at least for me is that many of my dearest friends live hours away so even when we’re not in a pandemic it’s difficult to visit as often as we’d like. Thank God for technology, so we can keep in touch. I really don’t know how I’d have handled the past year without the support of my long distance friends. So over Thanksgiving break when I saw Burlap and Blossom’s Love Across The Miles quilt block, I knew it was perfect for one of my long distance friends who loves to travel. I finished it in time to add to the Christmas presents I was sending for her family. The day I was putting binding on this blog hop was posted, and this met the description of a heart in any color but red. In the living room, they have a map marked with places they’ve visited, this compliments it well. Check out all the other great projects, I’m sure there’s something to set your heart afire! January 18 Creatin' in the Sticks...