Sunday Shortlist

It's been a good two weeks since my last Sunday Short-list. We had two camping trips, I got a lot of organizing done, and we got to see some of my good friends. I don't think I did as well with my list as I'd hoped, but it was definitely a good couple weeks! 1. finish the top for my memory quilt-done 2. work on my Stitching Sunshine blog hop quilt-I did a very little but I think I'll do better this week 3. Post for Its cool to be square blog hop-done 4. Post about my block swap-done 5. Clean the table off and baste the block of the month and quilt my wedding gift-not yet I was cleaning other rooms instead 6. Make my monochromatic baby quilt top-done 7. Write about our camping trip.-I didn't write about the trip, but I did write about the 9/11 quilt since we were able to take pictures. I guess I did better at my list than I thought. But the only new projects are ones for gifts so I’ll share a couple camping pictures instead... ...