UFO blog hop

Joan gave us a lot of freedom for this blog hop. We could make a quilt with aliens, or we could use quilter speak and address our unfinished objects. I think aliens may help my unfinished projects pile up overnight! I had hoped to finished some of my more long term UFOs, but life gets in the way, which is part of why UFOs develop in the first place. They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. When I look at my sewing area I definitely can admit there is a problem. Next it's usually helpful to evalutate how you've gotten where you are so why do my projects become UFOs? Let's look at a few of them (sadly this is not all of them!) This one became a UFO because I just didn't know how I wanted to quilt it. My plan now is to take it to a friend who teaches longarm quilting and use it as a practice quilt. This one became a UFO because I didn't have a recipient in mind when I made it. The top sits with the backing and even the batting waiting fo...