Orange You Glad

Carla couldn't have possibly known how appropriate this hop would be for me. Our challenge was to make a project featuring orange and the MS awareness ribbon is orange. The timing made this especially appropriate, I requested August 19 because it is exactly one year since I heard "we need to do more testing to rule out MS." I had been experiencing numbness in my hand that was initially attributed to a pinched nerve but wasn't responding to treatments and an MRI showed possible lesions. I went for testing and at the end of September they confirmed an MS diagnosis. I'd been considering making myself an orange ribbon wallhanging from Sew Kind of Wonderful ‘s free pink ribbon pattern, for a while and conquer sewing curves in the process; this was the push I needed to get it completed. Now I know it sounds odd to make a quilt commemorating my illness for "orange you glad." I'm certainly not glad that I have MS, but in the year since I've learn...