Sunday Shortlist

My sewing machine was ready to come home this week so I finally got some sewing done! 
1. Make reservations for vacation-done!  we'll be heading for West Virginia soon...although I did make a slight mistake and book two different campgrounds for the same nights and had to change campgrounds to have an electric site. 
2. Make progress on hand quilting the present-done!
3. Get the rest of the strings pressed for tulip blocks-I got them all pressed, and many partially sewn 
4. Baste a machine quilting project-oops I was too busy with the tulips
5. Write about one of our recent camping trips-oops
Not too bad!  We'll be preparing for our vacation this week so it's a very short list
1. get more of the tulip blocks done.  I may have more blocks than I bargained for!
2. put a charity quilt top together
3. I still need to blog about the recent camping trips
4. Continue reading my Amish quilt novel and quilt cozies.
5. Have a great vacation-no short list next week.


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