November Goals

I haven't been doing the best with my Sunday short list. School has been crazy this year and even on the weekends it's hard to find the time for my hobbies. I know in time either things will improve or I'll get more used to them and find ways to fit my sewing in other than on the weekends. In the meantime, I'm going to switch to monthly goals because its less depressing to see everything I didn't accomplish once a month than weekly. So how did I do on the last Sunday short list? 1. continue to work on hand quilting my present-it's finished but not gifted 2. begin quilting the baby quilt-I have two baby quilts-I started quilting one but not the other 3. post about the two birthday presents-I did manage this one! I also started a new project that is fairly simple-I'm revisiting the traffic jam quilt as the directions call for and using 2.5 inch squares from the Reel Time line from a few years ago (traffic jam in reel time) In November I have a surgery ...